Books/Press Reviews (1974-1980)

Charles Ford, Femmes cinéastes ou le triomphe de la volonté, Paris, 1971 (France’s first book on the subject, but incomplete)
Marjorie Rosen, Popcorn Venus , Women, Movies & the American Dream, New York, 1973
Frauen und Film, first feminist film magazine in West Germany (First edition in 1974) edited by Helke Sanders, Berlin
Laura Mulvey, « Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema » in Screen, Volume 16, Issue 3, Autumn 1975, Pages 6–18
CinémAction, founded in 1978 by Guy Hennebelle and Monique Martineau. The n°9 – « Le cinéma au féminisme » compiled a catalogue of films and videotapes made by women in France since 1968
Camera Obscura : A Journal of Feminism and Film Theory; Number 1, Fall 1976, Duke University press
Les Répondeuses du MLF, illustration Dany Belin, 1981